Moorlinse, Berlin Buch

contact: is a participatory radio art project concerning the ecological crisis, its effects on our environment and on the possibilities for action. The project aims to establish a network of collaboration between individuals and organisations interested and engaged in these subjects, with all their respective practices from art and science to activism.

In order to increase and entangle knowledge and sensitivity of changing natural conditions, it encourages critical listening to live soundscapes from nature places, curated by participants of the project. In this context, nature refers to sites of various degrees of land usage and devastation, from wild nature to agricultural, urban and industrial zones, where aspects of this anthropocenic natures become audible.

If you want to contribute, or join our Telegram listening group, please send an email or subscribe our mailing list. Listen to logs of some former live listening sessions or browse the fieldradio archive. Some listening sessions will be mirrored also on, subscribe if you want to get notified.